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Digital Marketing tools for recruiting top talents?
01 Oct 2018

What common tools and practices could HR, and especially recruiting, possibly have with Marketing? The answer is: more than you can imagine.
Let’ stake a step back and review the basics. Companies wish to attract new customers to meet their financial goals and at the same time, they also seek to hire top talents who will help them their long-term success. Consequently, finding and managing new contacts / candidates who meet certain criteria is crucial for both departments (marketing and HR). Meanwhile, the way people communicate, search for information, buy or even apply for a job has changed profoundly. It's now easier and quicker than ever, to find information about a product, a company or a job opening.
In recent years, marketers have been using increasingly new digital marketing strategies and tools, relying on inbound philosophy, to attract new leads and convert them into customers - and this approach can be “borrowed” and replicated by recruiters.
Inbound philosophy aims in locating and attracting new clients / candidates by creating interesting and properly targeted content that gives answers and motivations to the selected target audiences. It is based on the visitor / user / consumer's journey and the decision process so that it offers the right content, in the right place and medium. Tools used include mostly eBooks, newsletters, blogs, videos infographics, etc.
The tactics one can choose from are relatively simple, most do not require high spending while at the same time they can save time and resources through the automations they provide. Most importantly, they support the creation of a talent base with people who have gradually built a relationship with your company that will help both your direct recruitment and your future needs.
A typical example of actions:
- Create an eBook: Tell your company's story and share unique features of your business culture. Build smart content and visualize information that will make candidates want to get in touch with you. Help job seekers to find answer to their questions and gain an authentic look within your organization by creating content that is valuable to your candidate.
- Create landing with forms of communication: The distribution of the content is accompanied by a page, for example, on your company's website, which through a form collects the information of those who wish to download your eBook. Collect information that will help you personalize your next messages, as well as the content you will send in future communication.
- Targeted projection: Reach people where they are, in the channels they select to interact with your company. Use google search ads and, of course, popular social networks. It is important to choose media based on the characteristics of the users you are looking for.
- Stay in touch: Having the contact details of your stakeholders, make sure to strengthen your relationship. Share with your new contacts posts from the company's blog, invite them to an open event, find ways to get them back to your website or your social media homepage.
In a competitive market, finding new talents can be a very tricky task. The ideal candidates are most likely not actively looking for job at the same time you are looking to recruit. They may also not know much about your business or they could even have a distorted view of your culture.
Having said that ,one solution to locate these talents, share important information about your company and gradually create in them the desire to work for you , is to act as marketer by creating a holistic experience and a continuous and meaningful relationship with them .
Article oiginally published (in Greek) in HR Professional Magazine, 2018 July- August issue